Meet the 2023 SWM Athletes: Ryan Adams
Ryan Adams | Men’s Elite Mile
Social Media: Instagram | Strava
Sponsor: Furman Elite
College: Furman
Mile PR: 3:58.48
5 Things About Me: Ryan Adams
I grew up in a suburb of Akron, Ohio before attending Furman University for 6 years, ultimately graduating in 2021.
After a 1.5 year stint with Atlanta Track Club, I switched my affiliation to Mexico (¡Viva México!), sold my condo and pretty much everything in it, bought a one-way ticket to Mexico City (which is about 7400ft in elevation), and have been living with my grandparents/training remotely under Robert Gary (aka, the Notorious Bobby G) since. After not racing for almost two years since the US Olympic Trials in 2021 due to various injuries, I was able to qualify for the Mexican national championship where I won titles in the 1500 and 800.
I was the first person in the Furman program to break the four-minute mile barrier in 2020
Not to brag, but I beat TzTok-Jad and secured a fire cape for my main in Runescape last year, and I’m pretty close to getting my quest cape. I also got the Chaos Elemental pet with 1 KC recently.
After two years of on-and-off reading, I’m almost finished with Brothers Karamazov. One more year tops. Maybe two.
5 Fast Questions
- Do you have any superstitions/pre-race rituals? I’ve read Psalm 18 before practically every race since high school.
- What’s your favorite sport (or athlete) to watch, besides running? Anything Cleveland! Go team! Go sports!
- What’s a show or movie you’ve seen lately that’s worth watching? I just finished Better Call Saul and Cowboy Bebop recently, so I’ll probably go back and binge Scrubs unless anyone has any suggestions.
- What’s a song or podcast that’s currently on your playlist? All Delighted People (Original Version) by Sufjan Stevens
- Do you have any connections to Raleigh or North Carolina? My first outdoor race in college was the Raleigh Relays 1500 way back in 2016. Fun fact: That was FloTrack’s tasty race of the week, which made me the fourth tastiest racer mathematically. Right?
Learn more about Ryan Adams at: VIS Experience | Run with the Pros