Meet the 2017 Competitors: Sarah Rapp
Sarah Rapp | Women’s Elite Mile
Social Media: Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | Blog
College: Virginia Tech
1500m PR: 4:26.22
Mile PR: 4:49
5 Things About Me: Sarah Rapp
- This is my second year running the Sir Walter Miler and am looking to improve on my last place finish last year :)
- I had 6 different jobs in 2016, and owed the IRS $300 for some reason :(
- Ben Thomas, my coach at Virginia Tech (where I went to college) didn’t disown me for volunteer coaching at UNC this past year….
- I started taking Salsa lessons – every Monday night at the Lynk off Glenwood!!! I can teach you the basics!
- We are starting an elite team here in Raleigh. Sir Walter Elite (Babes right now, but we are hoping to get some guys to join us!)
5 Fast Questions
- What actor would play the movie version of you? Kevin James, specifically in Mall Cop. Why? Because I’m always ready to spring into action to help, even if I’m not qualified for the job. I have been known to go overboard on projects. If I can’t do something or mess something up, I’ll figure out an alternative… Plus, things always work out in the end!!!
- What did you want to be when you grew up? A filmmaker actually!
- Favorite post-run drink or snack? I would say chocolate milk…. but a close second starts a B, ends with an EER.
- What was your AIM screenname? Lol….really??? It was/is MsRappATapTap
- If you had a “walk up” song as you approached the starting line, what would it be? I’d take it back to T.I. In 2004…. “Bring ‘Em Out” ….PLEASE play this on August 4th. I’ll pay you so much money!
Learn more about Sarah at: VIS Experience | Run with the Pros | Sir Walter “Extra” Miler
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